Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Putting It Off!

I'm not usually a procrastinator by any stretch of the imagination, but I've been putting off blogging for quite some time.  Not because I  believe what I have to share is unimportant, but because I've believed that other things besides my thoughts are more important.  And they may be!

But, now I'm breaking the barrier and humbly posting KIMBILIO (Kiswahili for "refuge").  I've named it that because I, personally, enjoy refuge in my life.  Over the years as a paramedic and as a pastor leading a church and a staff, I've found that there is tons of confusion and chaos that happens, or at least has the potential to happen.  It's everywhere, and it's nice to retreat to a peaceful, safe, refreshing place to escape the stress.  You know exactly what I mean, don't you?

Well, there's something else I've discovered in my years of ministry and world travel...not many people on this earth have the luxury of kimbilio!  They are surrounded by war, poverty, hunger, disease, filth, (and I could go on and on), all which bring confusion, chaos,  fear, insecurity!  Anything but refuge!  

Please look in the face of this little child...let it represent for you the lack of refuge that most in this world experience.  And then, I hope it will disturb you to the point that together we will not only write about kimbilio, but we'll work to help people experience it in some small yet significant way.   

Through this site I hope to introduce you to people who are making a difference, both nationally and internationally, to help those who are on the edge of despair.  Perhaps it will inspire you to do something, anything, to change a life, a village, or, who knows, a world!   

Lock arms!  Here we go!
A Humble Servant!

1 comment:

  1. This is a test comment...people have been having difficulties with sending a comment so I've been told!
