Well, I'm back on after quite a long hiatus! After my last trip to Kenya, I came back with my soul rattled for quite some time. I guess some would call it a desert, but I'm not sure that's what it was. Regardless, a lot has taken place spiritually in my life. Thanks for waiting and praying (if that's what you did) for me.
I recently read a business article entitled Moving Mountains. I thought the title was interesting because that's what I've been called to do. For some reason, God has entrusted me with a huge vision that is way beyond my capability, or even my skill set, to accomplish. He's called me to Change The World!
Daunting, I know! But when I read scripture, that's what it tells me. I'm to be like Jesus! I'm to live sacrificially! I'm to reach out to the poor, the widowed, the orphan, the "least of these", and even my enemies!!! (Seems like I collect more and more of those every day). I'm to work feverishly to build relationship bridges by loving my neighbor and being freakishly generous! I'm to build bridges of hope to those who have none because life (and people) have smacked them pretty hard. And, I'm to get others in a culture of plenty (compared to the rest of the world) to do the same! Are you kidding me, God???
Oh, and here's the kicker...if you are a Follower of Jesus, so are YOU! Daunting! I know!!!
LifeBridge...a dream? No, a calling! What's your calling look like in tangible terms? I'm interested! Let's begin sharing and see how, together, we can change the world and build a LifeBridge!
It looks like 20 refugee men and one woman reading the book of John together in Farsi and asking questions. After two hours when we said it was time to quit they still kept asking not wanting it to be over. It looks like dinner with 150 of your closest friends, many of who live in abandoned buildings or in the parks. It looks like holding a baby, hugging a child, kissing a mom and listening to their stories. It looks like attending a baptism in the sea and seeing hope born in a life where the circumstances are still pretty hopeless. It looks like a day at the ARC (Athens Refugee Center). Glad we are in this together!