A story about a seagull who simply flew for the love of flying rather than flying to scavenge for food! It was also the book that inspired the movie of the same title; which made Neil Diamond's song BE, a hit.
I'm not writing this blog about Richard Bach or his famous book (which I really liked, by the way). Rather, I'm writing about a quote from Mr. Bach that recently caught my attention:
"Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: If you're still alive, it isn't."
Now, call me crazy, but if you're reading this, then my guess is that you are alive (some may argue that assumption, but let's just go with it for now). That would mean, according to Richard Bach, that you, and I, still have a purpose (or mission) here on earth. The question then, of course, is: For what?I don't know if Mr. Bach was coming from a follower of Christ perspective or not, but allow me to reflect on it from my perspective, which is as a follower of Jesus.
In Genesis 18:18-19 God says this about Abraham (look closely and see if you can see the "mission" that you and I are to carry on--I've provided some hints):
"...Abraham is going to become a large and strong nation; all the nations of the the world are going to find themselves blessed through him. Yes, I've settled on him as the one to train his children and future family to observe God's way of life, live kindly and generously and fairly, so that God can complete in Abraham what he promised him."
Did you see it? Our mission (as long as we are still alive) is to be a blessing to the world; to train our children and future family to live out God's love and kindness (that means with words and actions); and, to give generously to those who are in need for health and the basics of life! Especially those who are ravaged by poverty, war and disaster. Why? So God can complete what he promised Abraham-that all nations will be blessed! We are an extension of God's blessing to Abraham!!! It's the original Great Commission!
The Test: Are you alive? If so, then you now know The Mission and you know that your part isn't finished! Are you carrying out your mission of blessing the nations, or are your blessings only for yourself? God and the nations are waiting to hear how you answer that question!
A Humble Servant,
Just what I needed to read this morning....been feeling a little "mission less" of late....but just checked my pulse and sure enough it's beating!