Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bothered Enough?

Have you been as bothered by the images from Northern Kenya that have been all over the news the past few weeks as much as I have? 

I have to tell you that I haven't been able to get them out of my mind!  I see the sorrow and grief in the mother's eyes as they hold the bones of what use to be their healthy baby.  I see the blank stares of the hungry, lifeless children as they wait in line, hopeful for something that might fill their hunger, just for a moment.  I hear the haunting answer to the question asked of a woman:  "When did you children last have a meal that filled them; and she answered: "Two months!"  Heart wrenching! 

Scripture tells us that the poor always be with us, I know; but I wonder if we a Followers of Christ use that verse as an excuse to do nothing?  

I know that many people believe the solution to poverty and injustice is to be more generous in our giving to those who spend their time reaching out to the poor.  But I wonder if that is really the long-term answer?  Probably not, since trillions of dollars haven't made any long-term differences so far.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong in helping people get through hard situations in life!  My wife and I do that all the time with our involvement with Christian Ministries In Africa (; Two Feet Project (  I see long term commitments with Medical Teams International ( and Convoy of Hope (; as well as with individuals and ministries in our local area.  

I believe all would agree that the solution lies in helping get people out of poverty instead of being dependent on outsiders for their survival.  That's what I like most about working with and giving a shout out to the above organizations, and others like them...they do this!  

Local initiatives by the people, local people creating jobs and starting businesses and local people taking responsibility for their lives is a great start.  Then, God's global community partnering with them to give the initial boost (in whatever way that is necessary) along with the necessary spiritual tools, life skills and freedom which will give them the power to overcome their poverty.

But I think our hearts would come together in the understanding that poverty ultimately comes from man's fallen nature---let's just call it what it is---SIN!  It stems from broken relationships among people, and with God!  

What will counter that and bring a defeat to poverty?  The truth about God's love for all mankind and the power that is found through Jesus Christ...the call to GO and Make Disciples

A Humble Servant!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


A young lady by the name of Sally relates an experience she had in a seminary class.  It seems this particular professor was known for his elaborate object lessons.   

On this one day of class, she walked into the classroom and knew they were in for a fun day.  On the was was a huge target, and on a nearby table were a lot of darts.

The professor told the students to draw a picture of someone they disliked a lot, or someone who had made them angry, and he would allow them to throw darts at the person's picture! 
One girl drew a picture of a girl who had stolen her boyfriend!
Another friend drew a picture of his little brother!  

Sally drew a picture of a former friend, putting a great deal of detail into her drawing, even drawing pimples on the face.  She was pleased with the overall effect she had achieved!
The class lined up and began throwing darts.  Some threw so hard and with such passion that their pictures were ripping apart!  Sally looked forward to her turn, and was extremely disappointed when the professor asked the students to return to their seats as they were running out of time.  

As Sally sat thinking about how angry she was because she didn't have a chance to throw any darts at her image, the professor began to remove the target from the wall. 

Underneath the target was a picture of Jesus!

A hush fell over the room as each student viewed the mangled picture of Jesus; holes and jagged marks covered his face, and his eyes were pierced.    

The professor said only these words...
"In as much as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me." 

No words were necessary; the tear-filled eyes of the students focused only on the picture of Christ.   

I don't think any other words are necessary.  I think I'll just let this speak for itself!
A Humble Servant,
