Thursday, November 3, 2011

James 1:27

This weekend our church is recognizing the millions of young children who are left without parents for whatever reason and under whatever circumstance.  It's important to me because it falls in line with what this blog is all passion...about building bridges of life to those God loves.  It's important to me because James 1:27 says: "Religion (also translated Worship) that God accepts as pure and without fault is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help..."  If it's important to God, it should be important to us.

Sadly, I believe that too many of us, are desperately hoarding the resources that come to us every other week just so we can pay for the operating expenses and building costs of our lives and churches. Tragically, as necessary as that may seem to be, it's too bad that we, as individuals and the church, have gotten to that point in our existence!

I believe that most of us would make the choice not to do that if we fully understood that God's abundance is released into our personal lives and into our ministries, when we take what He says about the care of orphans and widows...believe it and obey it!

In fact, I've come to the conclusion, based on Scripture, that it's vitally important to both our personal and corporate financial lives!  Why?  Well, because, if you think about it, God is our provider, and it's His command to care for those who can't take care of themselves, for whatever reasons!  So, when we obey Him by releasing our resources and possessions to His commands (to the things that break His heart) our ultimate Provider takes care of us!

This is what breaks the heart of God.  I don't know how it couldn't break yours:
According to international agencies that track the orphan situation in the world...

  • There are somewhere between 143 and 210 million abandoned, neglected and/or orphaned children in the world today.
  • A child under the age of 5 dies in the world every 3 seconds from some kind of neglect, starvation or exposure.  That's 11 million precious children of God every year!
  • Every 12-15 seconds another child in Africa becomes an AIDS orphan (how long have you taken to read this blog so far?  Think about it!)
  • There are an estimated 18 million AIDS orphans in Sub-Sahara Africa (that's 8 out every 10 children!)!
  • Approximately 250,000 children are adopted annually!  Good, right?  
    • BUT, 14, 505,000 grow up as orphans, and at 16 years of age are out of the system...38,5000 children a day! 
  • In Russia and Ukraine, 10-15% of those who "age out" commit suicide before they are 18! 
    • About 60% of the girls become prostitutes and 70% of the boys become hardened criminals.  
  • And the U.S. statistics are too much different when you look at them.  
My brothers and sisters in Christ, this is a travesty to our FATHER!  A travesty that he expects us to take care whatever cost or sacrifice!  What are you going to do to be part of God's answer?  GET INVOLVED!  Be proactive - Do Something, PLEASE! You won't regret it! 

If you're in the area, we invite you to join us at Central Christian Church in Snohomish, WA for Orphan Sunday.  Services are at 9 & 11 (don't forget to set your clocks back, U.S.) and then the International Worship & Prayer at 4pm with The Orphan's Table and Orphan/Adoption/Foster Care Testimonies at 5pm.  Go to or for more information.

A Humble Servant, 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Most of you may remember the old Carol King song,

A couple of decades ago it became popular as the Heinz Ketchup commercial jingle that played while you watched in anticipation for the thick, tomatoey sauce to slowly make its way through the bottle neck and drop onto the burger.  It was quite dramatic and worked perfectly while Carol King sang:

Is makin' me late, 
Is keeping me waitin'." 

It was a great commercial for a slower time in our culture.  Today, it would drive most people nuts because it would be too slow and the need for fast, time-sensative ketchup would seem to be preferred.

But, anticipation describes this moment for me right now.  Without any need for this moment to pass quickly, I'm treasuring each precious minute, patiently waiting for what's about to happen.  I really like that Heinz commercial!

You see, I'm about to have another "first" in my life.  I'm sitting here in a hospital anticipating being grandpa to a little girl named Addison.   I'm currently a grandpa of her cousin, Jayden, who was born just 13 weeks ago (and that was a great first for me also)...but this moment of anticipation is for the first little girl in the Ishmael clan for close to 5 generations (from what I can gather).   Yes, she's a little late, and she is keeping us waitin', but I'm not bothered by that...I'm just enjoying the anticipation (However, I'm not the one who is doing the work to get her into the world, so please understand my perspective on this may not be quite the same as her mom and dad).

I don't know what Addison is going to be like or look like, but I've been talking to her off and on for the last 41 weeks, so I'm anticipating that she's probably going to recognize me in some small way as soon as she's here (OK, maybe not, but for my sake, just go with me on this).

I'm anticipating that the God who formed the universe, also "fearfully and wonderfully" made this little sweetheart that I'll be holding soon; and she'll be perfect in every way, without exception!

I'm anticipating times of reading to her!
I'm anticipating times of talking with her!
I'm anticipating long walks together,
I'm anticipating having tea parties with her,
I'm anticipating giving horsey rides around the room with her,
I'm anticipating playing alongside her,
I'm anticipating taking her on outings,
I'm anticipating giving her hugs and kisses;
I'm anticipating holding her and her cousin, one in each arm,
I'm anticipating encouraging her in life and letting her know she can be all God created her to be!

Wow...ok, that Heinz commercial isn't as great as I thought it was!  I don't seem to be enjoying this anticipation journey anymore!  Addison, hurry up!  I don't think I can wait...I'm too excited!  See you soon!

A Humble Grandpa To Be (not soon enough)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Be Present

In Atlanta, right now, a conference called Catalyst is taking place.  It's purpose is "To ignite passion for Christ and develop the leadership potential of the next generation equipping them to engage and impact their world." 

It fulfills it's mission!  I know because a couple of years ago I took our staff, and I believe it ignited our passion for the One we serve, for each other and for those we lead!  It developed our thinking outside the lines people had drawn around God's Church. It bonded us together under a new flag of engaging and impacting this world for the Kingdom of God!  

This year's conference is based upon the theme: Be Present! Here's how they state it:
Distraction has become the new norm. We get caught up with what happened yesterday and are preoccupied with what may happen tomorrow. Our attention is too often focused on what is happening “out there.” In the same moment, we are talking on the phone, replying to an email, updating our status and checking the latest headline. We commit to be in too many places at once. And those right in our midst are hurting. Brokenness exists all around you. Right now.

As leaders, we must be present. It’s our responsibility to embrace what God has put squarely in front of us, and take action where we are.

Being present requires time, space, and place. Eye to eye focus. Undivided attention. Messy moments of inconvenience. A willingness to lay down everything else to pay attention to who is in front of you. Listening, caring, and loving. Putting down roots in a specific place. Leading where you are.

We need more presence. With our Savior, our families, our friends, our neighbors, our city, our teams, our circle of influence.We must show up and be in the moment.

I have to confess...I've not been present lately.  I've not been present with God in the way that I passionately desire; I've not been present with my wife in the way that she needs me to be; I've not been present with those I shepherd and lead--I've just not be present!  I thought I was just having trouble focusing and concentrating, but now I realize I've been distracted by everything the enemy uses to pull us away from a "presence" with God.

Maybe you're experiencing the same thing (I think most of us do in different ways)!  But have you noticed, like I have, that when you attempt to focus on being present (especially with God), even more distractions seem to come up?  And then you end up giving "presence" to them, instead of the things of God.  It's frustrating!

I was listening to Francis Chan's Catalyst presentation today, and one question he asked hit me for the first time...again (isn't it amazing how hard-headed we can be in learning something?):  Does anything else matter than being completely present with God?

Of course, the answer is "no!"  As I think about it (again), when that relationship takes precedence in my life, my presence with all the other relationships naturally fall in place behind.  Why?  Because God cares about those he has placed in my life...all their joys, hurts, idiosyncrasies, etc.  Being in His Presence bring me to the place where my heart breaks for the things that break His heart...for the people HE cares about!

My prayer for you, and for myself, is that we would first Be Present with our Lord, and that the distractions of this world (whether in the form of material things or people or whatever) would be lessened.  And as a result, each of us would be given the supernatural time, space, attention and place to BE PRESENT with God in deeper ways; resulting in a deeper presence with those God has placed in our lives!

Sometimes A Hard-Headed Servant!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Saying For Years...Understanding NOW

Have you ever heard the expression that Church is a WHO not a WHAT?  That saying has been around for quite a while.  But in the last few years, you're hearing it more and more.  I think that's because of a couple of things...

First, people in the western church are, for the most part, becoming dissatisfied and disgruntled with The Church having very little impact in changing the world in which we live.  Yet, when we read the Scriptures, we see that God's church rocked the world!

We're hearing testimony after testimony coming out of majority nations about God's work and the amazing things that the Holy Spirit is doing among his people to share the Good News.  But not so much here in the Western world.

We're reading more about being Radical Together (David Platt), being a Church of Irresistible Influence (Robert Lewis),  the Missional Renaissance (Reggie McNeal) and being On the Verge (Alan Hirsch and Dave Ferguson); and all of this is stirring within us a sense of urgency and creativity that is shaking the church as we know it.

Put all of these things together and it creates one of two things:  An urgency to do something and be THE Church, or a sense of "You can't do that!" pessimism, and thus remain A church.

Second, I believe God is up to something by creating a "shaking of the tree" (so to speak) of his people.  I believe that He's saying, "Look, if you're not going to do what I asked you to do, then I'll put you in a position where you have to get rid of all this "fluff" and get back to the basics of prayer, disciple-making and reaching out; being my hands and feet to the things that break my heart!"

It's happening where I serve!  I'm watching disgruntled people who have had their feelings hurt for various reasons walk away, and I've watched people who are hungry and tired of being part of a church that acts like a club and hunkers down inside it's walls, begin to pour in with new attitudes and vigor for the cause of Christ.  It's sad and exciting at the same time (More exciting than sad, I have to say.  Now, some will read this and be offended because of a perceived insensitivity on my part...but it's true, trimming the bush IS both painful and exciting.)

So, seeing the church as a WHAT is seeing it as something we go to; the place where programs takes place and religious services are provided.  It becomes something that's supported and we try to invite people to to join!  It's our paradigm understanding of Church.

But I think God intends for us to see His Church as a WHO.  Which basically means that wherever you have the people of Christ, you have The Church.  It becomes a verb and a way of serving and living in the world.  It's where everyone is a missionary, not just those to whom we send money, and life itself is a continuous mission trip.  It's where you and I are Kingdom agents in every part of our life.

Sounds exciting, doesn't it?  That's because it is!  I think people are beginning to understand!  It's hard...yet so worth it!  Just ask those who are being THE church instead of being A church!  They are beginning to gather and make a joyful noise!

A Humble, but Passionate, Servant of Christ!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Tears for Africa

I just read an article by the United Nations that says the Horn of Africa and other parts of Africa are now facing the worst drought in over sixty years!  People and agencies I know in that area who are on the ground in that area are telling me the same thing!  
With all of the global uncertainly over economics, I wonder what our response as Followers of Christ will be?  Will we be concerned with whether or not we have our latte, or will we take that money and give it to one of the many Christian relief agencies that have called on the Body of Christ to help [my apologies to all my friends who work at coffee shops!  For those of you who don't drink coffee, then pick something else you have to have everyday, but not necessary for you to live]!  
Some are saying that over ten million people are affected across the Horn of Africa region.  But that's only that region!  The residual affect on the rest of Africa and around the world has to drive that number into the hundreds of millions!  When you put together the dryness of two rainless seasons and the ravages of war-torn Somalia and other African nations, you get these kinds of results: fields unable to produce; cows, goats & sheep dying where they stand; food prices skyrocketing out of control; and schools and hospitals shutting down because of no water, medicine or food.  This leaves fathers unable to provide for their families, mothers unable to feed their children, and medical personnel helpless to bring some kind of hope or compassionate assistance.  Then there are the children!  Those who are most vulnerable are left wondering why their energy is gone, tummies are empty from malnutrition, and why their eyes won't produce tears because of severe dehydration.   We're talking about basic needs that you and I take for granted.  
(Have you walked into your supermarket lately and seen the choices you have--just in water alone?)
I'm really not trying to make anyone respond out of guilt, but I AM trying to everyone to RESPOND...respond to this hunger and water crisis; as well as  other ongoing needs like medicine, medical training, clean water,  and action against preventable diseases.  I AM trying to get Christians to RESPOND out of compassion and love.  I think it's what Christ expects of us!  I would ask that everyone who reads this simply begin by praying.  Then, as God leads, act by giving of your resources to those agencies who are in Africa making a huge difference!  There are many!  But just those agencies being there is not enough!  They need each one of us to partner with them as they stand with the poor.  It's what Jesus did!   
This UN article confirmed that large areas of  northern Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Uganda are in the "emergency" category!  The time is NOW!  But I sincerely  hope that  "donor fatigue" has not set with us as Christians!  In fact, now that I think about it, can there even be such a thing when we follow Christ?  The One who asks us to die to self and live for Him; to give all we have and follow him?  "Donor Fatigue?"  I don't think so!  .
One of the representatives, from one of the agencies on site, questioned that maybe, instead of waiting for pictures of starving children to hit our newsstands, we should "act now and stop it!"  I agree!  

We can, you know!  We have the resources to do it!  We have the agencies who are set up to do it!  We have the numbers to do it!  

Will you consider sacrificing and standing in the gap (with prayer and resources) for those who are hurting.  Will you do it on behalf of the Lord you serve?  If you can't give, then maybe you can cry a tear for one of the children who unable to do so.  

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bothered Enough?

Have you been as bothered by the images from Northern Kenya that have been all over the news the past few weeks as much as I have? 

I have to tell you that I haven't been able to get them out of my mind!  I see the sorrow and grief in the mother's eyes as they hold the bones of what use to be their healthy baby.  I see the blank stares of the hungry, lifeless children as they wait in line, hopeful for something that might fill their hunger, just for a moment.  I hear the haunting answer to the question asked of a woman:  "When did you children last have a meal that filled them; and she answered: "Two months!"  Heart wrenching! 

Scripture tells us that the poor always be with us, I know; but I wonder if we a Followers of Christ use that verse as an excuse to do nothing?  

I know that many people believe the solution to poverty and injustice is to be more generous in our giving to those who spend their time reaching out to the poor.  But I wonder if that is really the long-term answer?  Probably not, since trillions of dollars haven't made any long-term differences so far.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong in helping people get through hard situations in life!  My wife and I do that all the time with our involvement with Christian Ministries In Africa (; Two Feet Project (  I see long term commitments with Medical Teams International ( and Convoy of Hope (; as well as with individuals and ministries in our local area.  

I believe all would agree that the solution lies in helping get people out of poverty instead of being dependent on outsiders for their survival.  That's what I like most about working with and giving a shout out to the above organizations, and others like them...they do this!  

Local initiatives by the people, local people creating jobs and starting businesses and local people taking responsibility for their lives is a great start.  Then, God's global community partnering with them to give the initial boost (in whatever way that is necessary) along with the necessary spiritual tools, life skills and freedom which will give them the power to overcome their poverty.

But I think our hearts would come together in the understanding that poverty ultimately comes from man's fallen nature---let's just call it what it is---SIN!  It stems from broken relationships among people, and with God!  

What will counter that and bring a defeat to poverty?  The truth about God's love for all mankind and the power that is found through Jesus Christ...the call to GO and Make Disciples

A Humble Servant!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


A young lady by the name of Sally relates an experience she had in a seminary class.  It seems this particular professor was known for his elaborate object lessons.   

On this one day of class, she walked into the classroom and knew they were in for a fun day.  On the was was a huge target, and on a nearby table were a lot of darts.

The professor told the students to draw a picture of someone they disliked a lot, or someone who had made them angry, and he would allow them to throw darts at the person's picture! 
One girl drew a picture of a girl who had stolen her boyfriend!
Another friend drew a picture of his little brother!  

Sally drew a picture of a former friend, putting a great deal of detail into her drawing, even drawing pimples on the face.  She was pleased with the overall effect she had achieved!
The class lined up and began throwing darts.  Some threw so hard and with such passion that their pictures were ripping apart!  Sally looked forward to her turn, and was extremely disappointed when the professor asked the students to return to their seats as they were running out of time.  

As Sally sat thinking about how angry she was because she didn't have a chance to throw any darts at her image, the professor began to remove the target from the wall. 

Underneath the target was a picture of Jesus!

A hush fell over the room as each student viewed the mangled picture of Jesus; holes and jagged marks covered his face, and his eyes were pierced.    

The professor said only these words...
"In as much as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me." 

No words were necessary; the tear-filled eyes of the students focused only on the picture of Christ.   

I don't think any other words are necessary.  I think I'll just let this speak for itself!
A Humble Servant,


Friday, July 29, 2011

Acts of Courage

I was recently listening to a message by Charles Stanley, pastor of First Baptist Church in Atlanta, and something he said caught my attention.  Maybe you've heard something similar:

"When God speaks, often times His voice will call for an act of courage on our part."

I began thinking of the calls that God has placed on my me throughout my life...Follower of Christ, husband, father, pastor, missionary, friend, mentor, leader, and most recently the calling of grandfather (sorry, I couldn't resist bragging).

Then I went back and listed the courage that was needed at specific times under each one of those callings.

Frankly, I was amazed!  I found that I was much more brave than I thought!  At least in some things.  But I also was just as surprised to see how cowardly I was in others!  Regardless,  I now understand that in each calling there have been necessary acts of courage required.

I don't think there has been as much courage required of me in my life as there has been in the last couple of years.  You see, my life is experiencing a deeper burden for this world, for people who don't take their walk with Christ seriously, for those who are displaced and hurting because of other men's misdeeds and self-centered decision-making.  But with that burden, I'm realizing that it takes an unbelievable amount of courage to face those realities and do something about them.  Courage from me and courage from us as followers of Christ!

I'm not talking about riding out on a white horse and solving all of these issues; I'm talking about sacrificially doing SOMETHING in the name of Christ!

In Psalm 72:12-14 it says:
"He will rescue the poor when they cry to him; he will help the oppressed, who have no one to defend them.  He feels pity for the weak and the needy, and he will rescue them.  He will redeem them from oppression and violence, for their lives are precious to him."

How does God do these things?  You guessed it...he called YOU!  He called ME!  He called US to be Bridges of Life and Hope!  

God cares for the needy, the afflicted, and the weak because they are precious to him.  If God feels so strongly about these needy ones, and loves them so deeply, how can you and I ignore their plight, or the call?  If God has called us to be used as the "rescue" and "help" and those who "redeem" the lives that are precious to Him, then undoubtedly, many acts of courage are going to be necessary.

I guess it's time to evaluate...
How well are we doing with our calling?                                      

How courageous
are we?

Give us the courage necessary Lord to do your calling!
A Humble (Yet willing to be courageous) Servant!

Friday, July 22, 2011

How are we doing?

On his blog site, Todd Rhoades showed this cartoon under the title The Instructions of Jesus.  It got me thinking in terms of building Life Bridges through the instructions Jesus gives us as his followers.  

Every Wednesday night a group of about 15-20 people gather with me and my wife in our home.  We recently began this group, not for the reason of fellowship (although that takes place); not for the reason of Bible study (although much scripture is read); and not for the reason of planting a church.  

No, the reason we meet came out of a common desire to pray about being completely sold out to the instructions of God; about being THE Church in our world rather than just A church on a corner.  We agreed to come together without any predetermined mindsets, and simply look to God for how that played out in our personal lives, and our corporate lives as The Church!  

To be quite honest, it's been refreshing!  Because, as the cartoon by Mr. Hayward suggests, those of us in the western world, who call ourselves disciples (The Church), haven't exactly been the greatest witness to the instructions and teachings of Christ.  If you don't believe that, then just ask those who carefully watch us on a daily basis!  (Or read UnChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity...and Why It Matters by Kinnaman and Lyons.  They did)!  

With that said...this prayer group gets it!  They know when man works, man works.  But when man prays, God works.  And God is working!  In fact, in the church I serve, I have to say the vast majority of those who worship and serve along side each other, get it!  They are understanding that God instructs and equips them to be his witness to a world that is dying of hunger, disease, poverty, injustice, and ignorance of Christ.  I think they would do anything necessary to bring Christ to others in tangible and affective ways.  I think most would sacrifice and give of themselves so God is glorified in the world!  

So how would I answer the question: How Are We Doing?  Well, here at Central, I would give us an 7 on a scale of 10.  How is this new prayer team doing?  I would give them an 8.  We're doing some great things for the glory of God, beginning with prayer and praise!  However, we can't rest on that! We need to continuously check ourselves with the How Are We Doing question, and the question David Platt asks in his book Radical:
"How can we in the church best unleash 
the People of God 
in the Spirit of God 
with the Word of God 
for the Glory of God in the world?"

So, tell me:  How are you doing?  How is your fellowship of followers doing? How is the Western Church doing?  Maybe it's time that we all get on our knees without any agenda except to completely (and without reservations) obey the instructions of God!  It could be refreshing!

A Humble Servant!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reflections on tomorrow (Literally)

Tomorrow something is going to take place in my life that has never happened to me before.  It's happened to millions of others, but not me.  It's brought joy to countless other men, but not to me.  Not yet.  But tomorrow it will.

In fact, that which is going to take place in my life TOMORROW is leaking a little bit of joy into my life TODAY; as I sit TODAY in anticipation of TOMORROW!

To be honest, it's not a leak, it's a flat out "Joy Flood" pouring into my life TODAY, in anticipation of TOMORROW!

OK, enough of the sappiness and mystery.  What is this event that has never happened to me before?  I'm going to be a grandpa for the first time.  (Sheesh--I have a hard time even writing that without getting something in my eye!  And yes, I AM too young to have a grandson!).

That's right, tomorrow, my son and my daughter-in-law are having a son (naturally, it's a first time for them too!) and I'm so excited for them, for both extended families, for our church family (although they're probably going to get tired hearing about it) and for our adopted families around the world.

The First-To-Be-Grandma, my wife, sent me an email today with an excerpt from a book that I'm going out to buy soon.  It was written in 2008 by Billy Crystal and beautifully illustrated by Elizabeth Sayles.  It's entitled I Already Know I Love You.  Here's just a portion:

I'm going to be your grandpa!
I have the biggest smile.
I've been waiting to meet you 
For such a long, long while. 

I have so much to tell you 
Before you slide into home plate.
I already know I love you 
As I sit right here and wait.

I'm waiting to show you everything, 
Hear your giggles and your sighs, 
See butterflies and monkeys 
And clowns who cross their eyes.

I want to hear your heart beat
As you lay up on my chest.
Bait you hook, fly your kite, 
help you study for a test. 

I'm waiting to play peek-a-boo
and sing you to a nap...

Then the story ends with this:
Get ready little sweet one, 
Your life will be just great. 
I'm going to be your grandpa, and
I can hardly wait!

I'm sorry...I need to stop...there's something in my eye!

A Humble Servant To My Family!

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Test/The Mission

Richard Bach...If you're old enough, you may recognize that name.  It belongs to the author of the popular, 1970 book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

A story about a seagull who simply flew for the love of flying rather than flying to scavenge for food!  It was also the book that inspired the movie of the same title; which made Neil Diamond's song BE, a hit.

I'm not writing this blog about Richard Bach or his famous book (which I really liked, by the way).  Rather, I'm writing about a quote from Mr. Bach that recently caught my attention:

"Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished:  If you're still alive, it isn't."

Now, call me crazy, but if you're reading this, then my guess is that you are alive (some may argue that assumption, but let's just go with it for now).  That would mean, according to Richard Bach, that you, and I, still have a purpose (or mission) here on earth.  The question then, of course, is: For what?

I don't know if Mr. Bach was coming from a follower of Christ perspective or not, but allow me to reflect on it from my perspective, which is as a follower of Jesus.

In Genesis 18:18-19 God says this about Abraham (look closely and see if you can see the "mission" that you and I are to carry on--I've provided some hints):

"...Abraham is going to become a large and strong nation; all the nations of the the world are going to find themselves blessed through him.  Yes, I've settled on him as the one to train his children and future family to observe God's way of life, live kindly and generously and fairly, so that God can complete in Abraham what he promised him."

Did you see it?  Our mission (as long as we are still alive) is to be a blessing to the world; to train our children and future family to live out God's love and kindness (that means with words and actions); and, to give generously to those who are in need for health and the basics of life!  Especially those who are ravaged by poverty, war and disaster.  Why?  So God can complete what he promised Abraham-that all nations will be blessed!  We are an extension of God's blessing to Abraham!!!  It's the original Great Commission!

The Test: Are you alive?  If so, then you now know The Mission and you know that your part isn't finished!  Are you carrying out your mission of blessing the nations, or are your blessings only for yourself?  God and the nations are waiting to hear how you answer that question!

A Humble Servant,

Thursday, June 30, 2011


This morning I was browsing through some notes that I had taken while reading Mark Batterson's book PRIMAL.

I do that often with things that have particularly challenged me so that I can keep my passion fresh and in line with God's work in my life.

Anyway, I came across a paragraph that I think is significant to share with you.  It was one of those that caused me to reflect and answer some vital questions in my life.  Here is what Mark wrote on Page 28:

"What makes you glad or sad or mad?  What puts a holy smile on your face?  What causes your spirit to sob uncontrollably?  What make you pound your fist on the table out of righteous indignation? Somewhere in the mixture of that gladness, sadness, and madness is your God-ordained passion."

These were not hard questions for me to answer!  I know what God has given to me as a passion.  The problem lies with the answers...there are too many.  Let me share just a few: name a few:
*Families and children who suffer and feel alone; without hope.
*People who need a little help to get back on their feet, but nobody will give it to them without a ton of paperwork.
*A world that has the ability to meet needs, but appears too selfish to work on them.
*People who suffer and need assistance because of things that are outside their control.

FIST POUNDING name a few:
*People dying of diseases for which there are cures and simple answers!
*Refugees, orphans, widows who are displaced because of the selfishness and madness of war!
*Hunger in a world that has food enough for everyone, but we pay farmers not to plant crops because of price fixing!
*People in need because of events (disasters, death, war, etc) that have affected their ability to have the basics of life and people with plenty who hoard! 
*Followers of Jesus who are too busy to serve others, give generously and sacrificially so that people can see the hope that lies in Him.  

HOLY name a few:
*Smiles from orphans, widows and families who have been given hope and encouragement by a meal, or water, or a helping hand of some kind.
*Hugs given for the same reasons!
*Giving sacrificially of yourself and your resources; and the unbelievable joy that comes from that. 
*Organizations like Convoy of Hope, Medical Teams International, Christian Missions in Africa, Two Feet Project, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Food for the Hungry, International TeamsThe Galileo School...and many, many others who are serving faithfully the poor, the disenfranchised, the needy, the hurting and the hungry. 
*Followers of Christ who are obedient to GO and DO, and the resulting Life Change that takes place. 

Mark finishes his statement with this:
"Somewhere in the your God-ordained passion.  Or maybe I should say COMPASSION, because you are feeling what God feels.  And once you identify it, doing something about it isn't optional.  You can't not do something about it."

I sincerely hope you take time to answer the questions Mark asks.  Because, like me, once you do, you won't rest because you have to do something about it.

Wishing you an unrestful period of life until you discover the passion/compassion God has given you!

A Humble Servant!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Moving Mountains

Well, I'm back on after quite a long hiatus!  After my last trip to Kenya, I came back with my soul rattled for quite some time.  I guess some would call it a desert, but I'm not sure that's what it was. Regardless, a lot has taken place spiritually in my life.  Thanks for waiting and praying (if that's what you did) for me.

I recently read a business article entitled Moving Mountains.  I thought the title was interesting because that's what I've been called to do.  For some reason, God has entrusted me with a huge vision that is way beyond my capability, or even my skill set, to accomplish.  He's called me to Change The World!

Daunting, I know!  But when I read scripture, that's what it tells me.  I'm to be like Jesus!  I'm to live sacrificially!  I'm to reach out to the poor, the widowed, the orphan, the "least of these", and even my enemies!!!  (Seems like I collect more and more of those every day).  I'm to work feverishly to build relationship bridges by loving my neighbor and being freakishly generous!  I'm to build bridges of hope to those who have none because life (and people) have smacked them pretty hard.  And, I'm to get others in a culture of plenty (compared to the rest of the world) to do the same!  Are you kidding me, God???

Oh, and here's the kicker...if you are a Follower of Jesus, so are YOU! Daunting!  I know!!!

LifeBridge...a dream?  No, a calling!  What's your calling look like in tangible terms?  I'm interested!  Let's begin sharing and see how, together, we can change the world and build a LifeBridge!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Kenya Bound

This blog thing is more difficult than I thought!  Anyone else have difficulties with it?

First of all, I don't think about it that often, and so I end up having a big hole between writings!  Second, I'm not a big writer of my thoughts, so procrastination sets in (Anyone have difficulties with that?  Man, I hate it!).  Third, why would anyone want to read what I have to say?  Which becomes a self-afflicted means of discouragement. (this is where you pipe in and tell me you love to read what I have to say---humor me!).

All in all, I guess I do have things to say, but usually they are conversations in my head and heart...not at the end of my fingertips.  So, this will continue to be a struggle, but let's see if I can't make it work.

In a couple of days, I will be going to Kenya.  Kenya is a place I love!  It's KIMBILIO (refuge) for me!  The people are warm and wonderful.  Their hunger to be part of God's Word and work is fascinating to me when I compare it to what I see in most Christ Followers here in the states.  I see amazing things in the eyes of the believers there!  Something is taking place that I don't see very often here in the states; the Spirit of God is moving in great ways.  I see people seeking the kingdom of God!  I just seems to me that they WANT it more!  

I know this is going to be a general statement, but I don't see people needing the Kingdom of God here?  Maybe that's because we seem to already know how to do what we're doing.  I mean, we're pretty good at doing church, aren't we?  We could probably do it without God...and therein lies the problem.

If we're going to do greater things for the Kingdom of God, then we have to get serious about NEEDING God.  The proof of whether or not we are serious will be seen in the way we live out our lives, and through the changes we see in our culture.  I see it all the time in other countries and cultures!  Why not here?  Somehow we got behind, and I don't think God is waiting for us to catch up!

Reggie McNeal says that we need to shift from looking at the Kingdom through Church lenses, to looking at the Church through Kingdom lenses!

There are some good things happening here in the states, but sometimes we lose our perspective and can't see them.  I'm leaving for Kenya in a few days.  While there I hope to regain my view of the Church through Kingdom's so easy to lose sight here.  When I get back, I should be able to see those great things here in the states; and I'll write about them as I see them.

Thanks for your prayers!  And thanks for reading what I have to say.  I would like to read what you have to say in response.

A Humble Servant!