Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Most of you may remember the old Carol King song,

A couple of decades ago it became popular as the Heinz Ketchup commercial jingle that played while you watched in anticipation for the thick, tomatoey sauce to slowly make its way through the bottle neck and drop onto the burger.  It was quite dramatic and worked perfectly while Carol King sang:

Is makin' me late, 
Is keeping me waitin'." 

It was a great commercial for a slower time in our culture.  Today, it would drive most people nuts because it would be too slow and the need for fast, time-sensative ketchup would seem to be preferred.

But, anticipation describes this moment for me right now.  Without any need for this moment to pass quickly, I'm treasuring each precious minute, patiently waiting for what's about to happen.  I really like that Heinz commercial!

You see, I'm about to have another "first" in my life.  I'm sitting here in a hospital anticipating being grandpa to a little girl named Addison.   I'm currently a grandpa of her cousin, Jayden, who was born just 13 weeks ago (and that was a great first for me also)...but this moment of anticipation is for the first little girl in the Ishmael clan for close to 5 generations (from what I can gather).   Yes, she's a little late, and she is keeping us waitin', but I'm not bothered by that...I'm just enjoying the anticipation (However, I'm not the one who is doing the work to get her into the world, so please understand my perspective on this may not be quite the same as her mom and dad).

I don't know what Addison is going to be like or look like, but I've been talking to her off and on for the last 41 weeks, so I'm anticipating that she's probably going to recognize me in some small way as soon as she's here (OK, maybe not, but for my sake, just go with me on this).

I'm anticipating that the God who formed the universe, also "fearfully and wonderfully" made this little sweetheart that I'll be holding soon; and she'll be perfect in every way, without exception!

I'm anticipating times of reading to her!
I'm anticipating times of talking with her!
I'm anticipating long walks together,
I'm anticipating having tea parties with her,
I'm anticipating giving horsey rides around the room with her,
I'm anticipating playing alongside her,
I'm anticipating taking her on outings,
I'm anticipating giving her hugs and kisses;
I'm anticipating holding her and her cousin, one in each arm,
I'm anticipating encouraging her in life and letting her know she can be all God created her to be!

Wow...ok, that Heinz commercial isn't as great as I thought it was!  I don't seem to be enjoying this anticipation journey anymore!  Addison, hurry up!  I don't think I can wait...I'm too excited!  See you soon!

A Humble Grandpa To Be (not soon enough)

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